Protecting Our Climate

Learn why wood burning is harming our planet, increasing air pollution, and contributing to biodiversity loss — and how we can change this.

The Environmental Cost of Burning Wood

Burning wood  produces more CO2  than burning coal, oil or gas for the same amount of heat. It produces much higher amounts of  black carbon (which is the second biggest driver of climate change) than burning other fuels. It significantly contributes to habitat and biodiversity loss and damages ecosystems. Production (from diesel powered machinery used in commercial timber operation) transportation (by large HGVs) and manufacturing of wood fuels (especially if kiln dried wood or wood pellets are being burnt) also causes significant and damaging emissions.

In short, burning wood is not compatible with a net zero future.

Woodburning is

  • Not carbon neutral
  • Not environmentally friendly
  • Releasing more CO2 than burning oil or gas
  • Contributing to biodiversity loss

"Think about a wood-burning stove as an enormous exhaust pipe on top of your house, Wood-burning causes around 21% of total PM2.5 air pollution in the UK, and 75% of domestic emissions. Collecting wood from forests is wiping out insects"

Dr. Peter Knapp, air quality researcher and Environmentalist, Imperial College,  London  (see article here )

Older forests store more carbon than younger forests

Did you know?

Log burners manage to emit more pm2.5 pollution than all road traffic in the UK despite only 8% of homes having one.

Did you know?

How does burning wood release more CO2 than burning oil or gas?

Burning wood releases more CO2 than burning coal, oil or gas because you have to burn more of it to produce the same amount of heat or energy

The UK Government’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs research found Ecodesign wood-burning stoves produce  450 times more pm2.5 pollution than modern gas boilers.  For older stoves, now banned from sale but still very much in use, the emissions are 3,700 times greater than a gas boiler.

450 times more pollution that a gas boiler

Lighting fires in our homes is the single biggest source of harmful small particle air pollution in the UK. Burning wood accounts for  a whopping 75% of these emissions

Did you know?

Most insects have exoskeletons that allow air to pass through all the time and so they don’t breathe in and out like we do. This means they cant hold their breath while flying through smoke. Smoke suffocates them like it does us.

Did you know?

What are other countries doing about the false climate-friendly claims being made about woodburning?

In Denmark, the Consumer Ombudsman have charged that 23 companies had violated the Marketing Practices Act with their deceptive environmental claims about wood burning.

What we say

We are in a climate and nature emergency and we need to be reducing as much of our CO2 emissions as we can.  In a world where forests are being cut down at a rate of one football field every two seconds, chopping down trees to burn them is one of the last things we want to be doing especially when there are truly renewable clean forms of energy available to us.